Episode Title:
Courage That Beats Out Fear – Maka Albarn's Great Resolution?.
Episode Description:
During a medical examination, Soul tells Medusa about a recurring dream in which he is goaded by the Little Demon to gain power through madness, followed by a nightmarish scene where he emerges from Maka's stomach, something Medusa deems to be an effect of Ragnarok's black blood. Maka, who remains troubled by Soul's injury, becomes determined to grow stronger and overcome the need to always be protected by Soul, but realizes that she must first face her fear of Soul being injured again. Meanwhile, Medusa's plans have raised the ire of two other witches, Eruka Frog and Mizune, who ambush and attempt to kill her. However, they realize that Medusa had placed magical snakes in their bodies when she had threatened them earlier, which kill Mizune. Eruka escapes with her life, but is tracked down by Medusa, who forces her to break into Witch Prison and release a prisoner who had stolen the eye of the witches' leader, whom Medusa intends to use for an experiment on Soul.