Episode Title:
Cool Hand Fluke.
Episode Description:
In the underwater Kingdom of Merroway Cove, Oona is playing with the other merkids: Fluke, Shelly, and Flip. Suddenly, the Floating Palace appears at the surface, to Oona's delight since this means Sofia's back which Sven is delighted to hear. At the surface, the Royal Family of Enchancia is having a picnic on the island in the cove when Sofia gets the idea to throw a party for the merpeople and runs off so nobody can see her transform into a mermaid. After doing so, Sofia happily reunites with Oona and Sven and tells them about the party. After Sven sends his family back to the colony with the news, Oona takes Sofia to meet her friends who are all delighted to meet her because of her heroics during her last visit, which makes the egotistical Fluke jealous...