Episode Title:
The Buttercups.
Episode Description:
Sofia goes on an outing with her Buttercup scout friends: Ruby, Jade, and identical twins Peg and Meg. Roland worries for Sofia's safety despite the troop leader/Ruby's mother's assurances and makes Baileywick go with her, including bringing along all of her princess supplies which are unnecessary for an outdoors trip. Baileywick's worrying and presence often gets in the way of Sofia's activities, which hinders her from earning one more badge to get a sunflower pin, a pin that shows a sign of recognition that you have filled up your entire vest with badges. Sofia talks to Baileywick, who agrees to let her do the next project by herself: flower-gathering. Although he gave his word, Baileywick overhears Ruby's mother's warning about touching poisonous plants, and tries to help Sofia. This backfires when he accidentally touches a poisonous Meddlesome Myrtle and is infected with rashes and swelling, much to the Buttercup scouts horror. The trail is too steep for Baileywick, with his swollen feet, to walk, so the troop builds a makeshift sled with wood, twine and some princess supplies he brought. This being Sofia's idea, she leads the team and working together, they get everyone down the trail safely, which earns her her last badge and sunflower pin. Baileywick returns to the castle to be treated, but not before he tells Roland about how Sofia is fine being independent. The Buttercups visit him soon after and name him an honorary troop leader, complete with his own vest and a "Being Prepared" badge.