Watch full Sheriff Callie’s Wild West Season 1 Episode 18 full HD online. Cartoon video
Sheriff Callie’s Wild West Episode 18 online for free in HD. Parroting Pedro: A newcomer to town named Parroting Pedro drives Peck crazy repeating everything he says and does. Peck thinks that everyone in town is teasing him but Pedro doesn't realize that copying and repeating someone can cause so much trouble. Due to this, Peck puts Pedro in jail. Later, Callie, after apologizing for Peck's actions, takes Pedro to Echo Canyon where he finds out how repeating after Peck made Peck feel.
Toby Gets the Scoop: Toby wants to be a reporter like Abigail and tries to find a "scoop" that is newsworthy but doesn't realize that his curiosity will get him into big trouble.