Episode Title:
Horseshoe Peck / Callie's Gold Nugget.
Episode Description:
Horseshoe Peck: After learning how to play horseshoes, Peck starts to brag about how good he is at horseshoes after he scores a double ringer and starts to rub it in to the other townsfolk on how he is better than them. Because of this, Sheriff Callie teaches Peck how to be a good sport when Sheriff Callie challenges Peck to a game of horseshoes, and beats him at his own game.
Callie's Gold Nugget: Sheriff Callie found a large gold nugget when she was mining for gold in the river and planned to use the money from the sale of the nugget it to fix Rickety Bridge. When the gold nugget disappeared, Peck and Toby came up with the brilliant plan to paint a rock gold and disguise it as Sheriff Callie's gold nugget later. But after both Peck and Toby confessed on losing the gold nugget, they found the missing gold nugget under Peck's hat and learned how it's important to tell the truth at all cost.