Episode Title:
The Sumeragi Mausoleum.
Episode Description:
As the Others swarm Suoh, the New Himuka government declares a state of emergency and temporarily reinstates Kaito's authority as chief o the OSF. Meanwhie, Yuito is sent to a hospital after overuse of his powers tires him out. New Himuka has determined that Extinction Belt has reached a dangerously low altitude, so closing the Kunad Gate is now the alliance's top priority. Hoping to find answers on how to close the Kunad Gate, Yuito and Kasane's platoons enter the Sumeragi Mausoleum, which is littered with illusions from Karen's past. Despite the psionic backlash from the illusions, the platoons reach the casket of Yakumo Sumeragi and find a still-living Karen inside.