Episode Title:
Kenshin – Himura Battosai
Episode Description:
Following 10 years after the Bakumatsu's ending, the former assassin "Hitokiri Himura Battosai" wanders around Tokyo where he is attacked by swordsmanship teacher Kamiya Kaoru from the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu tries to defeat him. Himura gives up, claiming his weapon, the sakabato, is unable to wound a person. Just then, a man claiming to be Battosai studying the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu causes riots in the city and Himura escapes with Kaoru after seeing her wounded. In the dojo, Himura learns of Kaoru's values of how a sword can save others and suspects one of her aids, Kihee, might be related to Battosai. After Himura investigates Kihee, the fake Battosai invades the Kamiya Kasshin Dojo, revealing Kihee as his older brother aiming to take place. Himura then reveals his true identity and easily defeats Hiruma's forces with his deadly Hiten Mitsurugi Style that does not kill his enemies as a result of his sakabato. As Himura is about to leave, Kaoru asks him to help her with the dojo as she does not care about his past. He accepts the idea, revealing his true name is Himura Kenshin.