Episode Title:
Whittle While You Work!
Episode Description:
After Cynthia's surprise choice of Dynamaxing her Togekiss, Ash activates Lucario's Mega Evolution into Mega Lucario. In a fierce battle where Dynamax Togekiss refuses to give in, Mega Lucario launches a G-Max Aura Sphere to shot down Dynamax Togekiss returning the normal form and manages to take it down with his super effective Bullet Punch. Cynthia brings Garchomp back out as her final Pokémon. To close out the battle, Cynthia's calls for a Dragon Claw, while Ash commands Mega Lucario to use Reversal. Both Pokémon take the hit from their opponent, but Mega Lucario is able to pull through. Ash defeats Cynthia and moves on to the final round to face Leon.