Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Episode 6 Night of the Mechazoids InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Episode 6 Night of the Mechazoids Episode Title:
Night of the Mechazoids
Episode Description:
The Turtles make it to Bishop's factory, reunite, and face Bishop and her Mechazoids. The Mechazoids, now evolved, identify all life as having the potential to mutate and thus a threat. Bishop tries to stop the Mechazoids, but they begin to attack her. The Turtles save Bishop, and Donatello's reprogrammed Mechazoid, now called Metalhead, comes to their aid. The Turtles and Bishop declare a truce and, with the help of April and Rod, devise a plan to generate a large electrical pulse to shut down the Mechazoids. With the help of Pigeon Pete, they succeed, although Metalhead is destroyed in battle. Bishop decides to turn herself in to the Earth Protection Force (EPF), who, impressed by her robotics, decide to recruit her instead in their fight against mutants. The Turtles forgo the costume party and head back to their sewer lair.