Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night Episode 6 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night Episode 6 English Dubbed Episode Title:
31 (Thirty-One)
Episode Description:
Kano struggles to write lyrics for JELEE's latest MV. Kiui suggests JELEE take a commission from an underground idol who sent in a request. After meeting the commissioner, Miiko, they discover that she is 31 years old. Miiko faces pressure from her production company due to her age and waning popularity. She was told that she would be let go from her position if her next song fails to garner any popularity. Kano is apprehensive about taking on the commission. Miiko reminds the girls that they used her livestream as a stepping stone for JELEE. Feeling coerced, the girls agree to compose a song for her. They shadow Miiko to understand her daily life for song inspiration. Miiko introduces her daughter, Ariel Baba, to the girls...