Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru Episode 4 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru Episode 4 English Subbed Episode Title:
Isora Amano
Episode Description:
Haga and Nikola go around gathering info on the buggy village before submitting their report. The next day the villagers are fixed but the two run into a small furry creature walking in T-pose. It uses magic to turn invisible but its footprints led them to its house. The creature is revealed as another debugger named Amano. He was part of the crooked debuggers but left them and left his debug stone behind as he was disgusted with their actions. He then stayed with an NPC named Lu who appreciates his work of writing manga. The boss of the crooked debuggers arrives at the village crushing it with a Demidragon. Lu unfortunately dies from her injuries. Amano vows revenge on the crooked debuggers.