Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru Episode 11 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru Episode 11 English Subbed Episode Title:
Episode Description:
Haga and the others retreat to the village to evacuate the villagers, but they refuse to leave. Gaydle storms in and rampages the village. He only stops when he sees kids cowering from him and realizes the monster he has become. Just then, he starts bleeding massively and dies. Akira used her debugger stone to use the kill command on Gaydle. Haga is upset by this, but Akira threatens him saying she has grown tired of his debugging obsession. She's stopped when giants attack the village. With no other option, the heroes flee and watch the village burn. Nikola is still unconscious from Gaydle's attack, so they decide to go to the kingdom of Sai...