Dungeon no Naka no Hito Episode 9 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Dungeon no Naka no Hito Episode 9 English Subbed Episode Title:
King and Dungeon Master
Episode Description:
Clay tells the story of a young prince who now rules Frairelvant while visiting the kingdom. Upon returning, she finds Belle in a shrine maiden-like outfit. She explains that the true reason why Frairelvant was built in the first place is to gain control of the dungeon and its riches, but this angered the old master, who made the kingdom's guild disappear in retaliation. Whenever Frairelvant has a new ruler, they get to challenge the dungeon master and the winner gains full ownership of the dungeon, but the match must take place in the kingdom as Belle is the only one who can use teleportation magic...