Dungeon no Naka no Hito Episode 10 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Dungeon no Naka no Hito Episode 10 English Subbed Episode Title:
The Wind Slicer's Daughter
Episode Description:
Clay recalls how she was orphaned and was adopted by Brans. After talking to Belle about her lifestyle, Clay decides to spend some time with the monsters in hopes of learning more about Brans' whereabouts. She meets Pekkomo, the boss of the ninth floor, and a cat-like monster named Binky, who tells her more about Brans, whom they refer to as the "Wind Slicer". She and Belle later visit an outdoor-like area containing a goblin village and that the goblins here are being produced in a similar manner to how plants grow and that should any goblins die, they are reborn in the village.