Episode List
Rudi & Trudi Episode 12 Jungle Gang Episode Title:
Jungle Gang
Episode Description:
A gust of wind blows Rudi and Trudi off course. The "gust" turns out to be three birds flying through the sky at super top speed. In the distance Rudi and Trudi spy a tropical jungle island and decide to go and visit. They meet up with the three speeding birds who introduce themselves as Red, Blue and Yeller. Although Trudi thinks the birds are a bunch of show-offs, Rudi thinks they are fantastic and decides to show them his own flying repertoire. Unfortunately he cannot carry Trudi at the same time and she is left to her own devises. The group is impressed by Rudi's flying prowess, but Blue suspects that his rank in the gang is under threat and decides that Rudi should be given another test, in this case to test his bravery by diving from a high branch in to a pool below. Rudi passes the test with flying colours and joins the gang who is booked to give a flying display at the big party later on.