Episode List
Q-Force Episode 10 The Hole Episode Title:
The Hole
Episode Description:
Q-Force frees a group of the brainwashed Greyscale agents to recruit them for the mission against Mira. At the World Pride Festival in Gyenorvya, Q-Force goes undercover to rescue Buck whilst Chunley tries to cover up the data theft back in Washington D.C. Mira publicly announces her engagement and imminent marriage to Buck, who has been brainwashed by her. Q-Force finds that Mira will transition from Princess to Queen once she marries, giving her supreme authority over Gyenorvya and allowing her to declare war on other countries. To stop her, Q-Force hunts for the ‘Horn of Objection’, an ancient Gyenorvyan artefact that can be used to stop a royal wedding under Gyenorvyan culture...