Power Rangers: Cosmic Fury Episode 5 Rock Out InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Power Rangers: Cosmic Fury Episode 5 Rock Out Episode Title:
Rock Out
Episode Description:
The team sees that Earth and other planets are defenseless against Zedd. Finding that Bajillia has a streaming channel live, The Rangers learn Zedd has found a zord which Billy recognizes from the pedestal on Zordnia as the missing Cosmic Dragon Zord, which presumably got separated eons ago and crashed on Planet Akraal. With Javi, Izzy, Fern, Amelia and Aiyon disguised as a metal rock band, they arrive at the mine and start a concert to distract the workers. Ollie quickly realizes the distraction and orders the band attacked (not realizing that the fifth member is Fern and not Zayto). Fern soon blows her cover, and Ollie returns in time to watch Zayto activate the dragon Zord and escape with it, but not before Ollie throws a tracker on it. The team defeats a Squid boss and heads back to base...