Power Rangers: Cosmic Fury Episode 4 Team Work InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Power Rangers: Cosmic Fury Episode 4 Team Work Episode Title:
Team Work
Episode Description:
The rangers land on Planet Levvina, and after rescuing Mick from capture they soon find evidence of Zayto's crash landing: his destroyed DinoSaber and fragments of his cape. They trek through the forest unaware that Ollie, trying to prove to Lord Zedd that teamwork is the key to victory, is shadowing them with a team of monsters. Discovering the plantlife has enough intelligence to retaliate for perceived threats (slapping Aiyon when he pushes the leaves roughly), Ollie tricks them into being captured by vines. However, they soon realise that the forest of the planet is actually a collective sentient consciousness, and using telepathy Aiyon and Amelia convince the forest of their true alleigances, and Ollie is quickly forced to retreat...