Kibou no Chikara: Otona Precure ’23 Episode 6 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Kibou no Chikara: Otona Precure '23 Episode 6 English Subbed Episode Title:
The Wavering Flame
Episode Description:
While running late to a presentation, Rin spots a dog-like Shadow but pretends not to see it to make it to her presentation on time. Meanwhile, Coco tells Kurumi how he had been watching over Nozomi without coming into contact with her. The next day, following a report by the Dark Night Light channel, Rin and Karen go to a forest near Saki's bakery, where Rin confesses that she had ignored the Shadow before. As Karen tells Rin to rely on others more, more Dog Shadows appear, consuming each other to become more powerful. Realizing she is the only one Karen can rely on, Rin gains the power to transform into Cure Rouge again and help Karen defeat the Shadows.