16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 11 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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16bit Sensation: Another Layer Episode 11 English Subbed Episode Title:
Original Cuu
Episode Description:
As they work together, Konoha is worried that there is too much pressure to do everything. Mamoru reveals she can make a game by herself with help of artificial intelligence. He then trains his private AI on Konoha's previous illustrations. He points out, however, that while AI cannot create "passion" like humans can, the video game market is flooded with AI-produced games. After a few days, Konoha is still struggling, saying she used all her talent on The Last Waltz. Mamoru warns her that she is getting older and adapting to this timeline may cause her to lose the memories of her timeline. While she is alone, Konoha unexpectedly receives a call from Toya before she is kidnapped. Elsewhere, Toya learns what happened from the representative of the company hers merged with in order to get the creator of "the original Cuu". Konoha later finds herself in a strange place where humans are trapped inside tanks. Meanwhile, when Mamoru calls Konoha and does not get an answer, he starts up all his PC-98s to find out where she went.