Seis Manos Episode 7 Between This World and the Next InfoEpisode Description:
Seis Manos Episode 7 Between This World and the Next Episode Title:Between This World and the Next.Episode Description:In the reality between life and death, Isabela meets Chiu while Alejandra uses her body to battle Balde, who is more empowered by vials of Powder. As Alejandra uses Isabela's martial prowess against Balde, while Jésus remembers Balde is weak to fire, like the monster Jefes that attacked the Dojo. In Between, Isabela asks about Chiu's tattoo- a Peach Blossom representing Immortality, not like Balde's Lotus symbol. With his guidance, Isabela helps Alejandra remember Balde as her son, but as Silencio and Jesus manage to finally kill him, Alejandra becomes vengeful and furious...