Seis Manos Episode 2 Grief Episode Title:Grief.Episode Description:As the trio grieve over Chiu's death, Isabella buries Sifu and organizes his belongings, Jesus goes to drink in his sorrow, and Silencio seeks solace with his lover Lina. Despite Garcia's attempts to investigate, Brister's work ethic offends her, so he seeks out a "folk healer" for intel. After Isabella finds a tattoo on Chiu's upper back, she later finds his diary detailing his life, but is too busy to read it. Meanwhile, El Balde calls a meeting of all Jefes, who he has drink the blood from Santa Nucifera, sending them into frenzies to attack San Simon for the "hidden jefe". At the Dojo, Isabella and Jesus are attacked by the monster Jefes, and as they consume the corpse of one of their fallen, one Jefe regains his humanity and kills himself...