Episode List
The Woodlies Episode 7 - Just say snow Episode Title:Just say snow.Episode Description: It is winter. While the goblins roam the deserted campsite and rummage through the trash cans, some of the swamp rats, the white goblin's nasty henchmen, make their home in Lamprey's, Firehead's and Sevenpoint's den. Before the goblins know it, they find themselves without shelter and without their food supplies - the wind is freezing cold and the snow is falling in heavy flakes! What now? Maybe freeze and starve? The friends come up with a mischievous idea: in the stronghold of the criminal white goblin - far beyond the swamp - there will surely be a warm fire, and there will certainly be food there too. So how about going there and putting on a comedy for the white man and his people? Said and done! Lamprey, Firehead, and Sevenpoint disguise themselves beyond recognition and, in the roles of a couple of old seers, mix and match the camp of villains so thoroughly that it won't be long before things are the same!