Episode List
The Woodlies Episode 26 Swamp Buddies Episode Title:Swamp Buddies.Episode Description: The goblins can hardly believe their ears when they hear what the mayor's plan is to do: she wants to drain the disgusting, stinking swamp where the white man and his gang of thieves have their headquarters. This puts our friends in the best mood! The rolling excavators will deal the white man a blow from which he will never recover. But the joy quickly gives way to disillusionment. Because the excavators drive away the rabbits that have moved into quarters in the swamp with kith and kin. As a last resort, the homeless move into Siebenpunkt's cave, a situation that can't go well for long: the cave is too narrow, the guests are too keen on Siebenpunkt's supplies, and rabbit droppings are quickly found everywhere. And then it becomes clear why the mayor is suddenly so interested in a dry swamp. She wants to build a huge factory there! But that can neither be in the interest of the goblins, nor the rabbits, nor the white man and his gang.