Avatar Book 1 Water Episode 5 – The King of Omashu InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Avatar Book 1 Water Episode 5 - The King of Omashu Episode Title:The King of Omashu.Episode Description:The next stop on the group's trip is the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu. There, Aang shows Katara and Sokka the Omashu mail delivery system, a massive stone causeway which he and his friend Bumi (note: a Hindi word meaning 'Earth') had once ridden for fun a hundred years previous. The trio gives the chutes a try but runs into trouble after it destroys a cabbage merchant's cart. Put in front of the king of the city, and elderly and erratic old man of substantial skill and strength in earthbending, the three are unexpectedly given a feast, during which it becomes obvious that the king suspects that Aang is the Avatar. When the king's suspicions are confirmed, he imprisons the three and puts Aang through three deadly challenges to test his skills and earn their freedom, including a duel with the king himself. After Aang passes all of the challenges, he realizes that the king is his old friend Bumi. King Bumi admits as much and reveals that Aang and his friends were never in any real danger but that he felt the need to provide some illustration of the heavy role Aang had to now assume as the Avatar.