Avatar Book 1 Water Episode 18 – The Waterbending Master InfoEpisode Description:
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Avatar Book 1 Water Episode 18 - The Waterbending Master Episode Title:The Waterbending Master.Episode Description:The group finally reaches the Northern Water Tribe, where they receive a warm welcome. Sokka meets Princess Yue, the daughter of the chief of the tribe. Aang and Katara seek to learn waterbending from a master named Pakku, but he refuses to teach Katara; women in the Northern Water Tribe are only trained to use their waterbending for healing, with martial training reserved for men. Katara refuses to be bound by the custom and challenges Pakku to a duel, demonstrating her considerable skill and potential. Taking notice of Katara's pendant, given to her by her mother, Pakku realizes that Katara is the granddaughter of his ex-fiancee, who also could not tolerate the Northern Water Tribe's customs and had left to start in a life with the Southern Tribe. Warmed by the memory of his former fiancee, and impressed with Katara's fighting skills, Pakku relents and agrees to train her. Meanwhile, Admiral Zhao hires the pirates from "The Waterbending Scroll" to assassinate Zuko. Iroh helps Zuko fake his death and feigns loyalty to Zhao. With Iroh's help, Zuko sneaks aboard Zhao's lead ship as his fleet departs.