Episode Title:
Owlette and the Battling Headquarters / Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum.
Episode Description:
Owlette and the Battling Headquarters: By night, Connor, Greg, and Amaya were talking through walkie-talkies, but then they see Ninjalinos stealing school buses. The PJ Masks find out that Night Ninja has made his own HQ out of the stolen school buses. When Night Ninja shows the PJ Masks what his HQ can do, Owlette wishes for all the stuff that Night Ninja has on his HQ on their HQ.
Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum: By day, Greg wants to build a very awesome model rocket ship, but all the supplies to build one is gone. Connor cheers Greg up about the trip to the science museum, but the teacher said that the trip was cancelled because there was no electricity. By night, it is revealed that Romeo wants to take over the town with his latest invention, The Big Box Of Bad. Robot says that Romeo is going to rename the town "Romeoville" or "Romeopolis" once the box is complete. Gekko gets mad, but then he finds out that Romeo booby-trapped all the tiles of the museum floor. Gekko's first trick is for Romeo to buy some ice cream, but then Gekko steps on another booby-trapped tile that spits out a gigantic boulder. Gekko gets steamed when the boulder crashes into his Gekko-Mobile, but then Catboy thinks of something: Stinky Cheese. When Romeo finds out about the Stinky Cheese, he stinks up the PJ Masks with "super super stink". But then, Romeo's Big Box Of Bad is finally complete, and "Romeopolis" is created.