Episode Title:
Gekko Saves Christmas / Gekko's Nice Ice Plan.
Episode Description:
Gekko Saves Christmas: By day, Connor and Amaya were ice skating enjoying the fun, but Greg complains that he doesn't know how to skate, and that he'll never get it. They noticed that all the lights and decorations on the Christmas Tree were gone on Christmas Eve morning. By night, Luna Girl was stealing the presents, so that there would be no Christmas. Gekko must learn how to ride Luna Girl's Luna Board, and save Christmas.
Gekko's Nice Ice Plan: By day, Connor woke up with a glass of ice in his hand, not knowing how it has frozen. When Amaya steps out of her house, she notices icicles on her roof. Once Connor, Amaya and Greg come outside, they notice that the whole town has been frozen. By night, it was Romeo who turns the streets of the city into an icy-roller coaster for his newest invention: the "Lab-oggan". Gekko learns that he can grip to the ice to prevent, but when he tries to tell Catboy and Owlette what his plan is, they repeatedky ignore him.