Episode Title:
Our Empty Selves
Episode Description:
Having lost her Holder title and ownership of the Aerial, Suletta copes by focusing on her studies. However, the Earth House sees that she is bottling up her feelings and takes her to meet Miorine to talk things out. Meanwhile, with Shaddiq leading in the election polls and Guel struggling to rebuild his company, Miorine opts to campaign on peacefully ending the Earthian riots, prompting Rajan to assign Dominicus commander Kenanji Avery as her personal bodyguard. Elsewhere, Belmoria is assigned to develop an upgrade for the Aerial but is apprehended by Space Assembly League agent Feng Jun. At Asticassia, it is revealed that Earth House being suspected of terrorism was caused by Martin secretly reporting Nika to the authorities. Arriving at Miorine's location, Suletta is denied a meeting with her and instead led to the Aerial, Ericht having convinced Prospera to let them talk. Ericht then reveals that Suletta is a clone of her, with the Aerial's drone weapons being failed clones, and that she can now pilot the mobile suit by herself before pushing her away. Afterward, Prospera tells her daughter to return to Asticassia and leaves with the Aerial, causing the abandoned Suletta to finally break down.