Episode Title:
The Woven Path
Episode Description:
As the now-rogue Prospera continues destroying Space Assembly League forces using Quiet Zero, Miorine falls into a depression. Earth House, joined by Jeturk House member Felsi and Duelling Committee member Rouji, arrive at the Benerit Group Headquarters to retrieve the Calibarn and Guel challenges Suletta to a fencing match for the Holder title, which she wins. He then takes her to meet Miorine and the two have a heart-to-heart during which Suletta convinces her that they must move forward despite their mistakes, causing her to regain her confidence and promise the newly-awakened Delling to protect the Group. With Quiet Zero headed toward the headquarters to acquire components to expand its range, Earth House and the Group make a counter-strategy: Since only Gundams can resist Quiet Zero's hacking, Suletta will serve as a distraction while Earth House infiltrates the space station. However, just as the operation commences, Lauda tries to assassinate Miorine using the Gundam Schwarzette, which his father secretly developed, forcing Guel to fend him off. Meanwhile, despite the strain that piloting the Calibarn puts on her, Suletta manages to breach Quiet Zero's defenses before being confronted by the Aerial, piloted by Ericht.