Episode Title:
Showdown! The Emperor!.
Episode Description:
Justin battles Kaz in the second semifinal. Hunter quickly puts ground between himself and the Emperor, but when the Emperor dodges his long range attacks he swiftly moves in on Hunter and defeats him in 9.9 seconds, setting up a final between Justin and Van. Before the match begins Justin reveals he is the N.D.R. agent and promises Van he will reveal his father's location if he loses the match. Achilles attacks the Emperor head on and does about a quarters worth of damage. When Van unleashes his V-Mode after a decoy Thunderstorm Thrust Justin decides to move The Emperor to full power. The Emperor does about 50% of damage to Achilles before unleashing his finisher, Explosion. Achilles hides under the ground to avoid most of the damage. After dodging the attack Achilles possesses strength equal to the Emperor. Justin enters commands faster than ever and eventually forces The Emperor into a system shutdown. Van advances to the Artemis Tournament as the last LBX standing. Justin gives Van the coordinates where his father is being held and then calls his grandfather. After the tourney Lex asks the kids to call him Lex. The mysterious woman returns and is revealed to be one Reyna, a scientist who worked side-by-side with Lex and Van's father. She contains blueprints for the house Professor Yamano is being held out. Lex and Tyler decide to take the kids to the Tokyo LC and reveal what is beneath it to diagnose the hard drive Reyna has brought them. Contains events from episodes 14 and 15 of Danball Senki.