Episode Title:
Changing of the Guard.
Episode Description:
Tyler arrives at Tiny Orbit where he plans to try and decode the platinum capsule. The owner of Tiny Orbit comes down and confronts Tyler about it. His name is Damon Osgood, Tyler's older brother. After revealing he just wants to stop the N.D.R. at all costs Amy decides to reveal she knows the mysterious LBX came from Damon. At first Damon tries to hide the fact, but when Amy calls him out because Tiny Orbit is the only company with spark bed technology Damon finally reveals the mysterious LBX. Its name is Pandora. While trying to decode the platinum capsule Damon comes across blue prints for a new LBX named Odin. It shows that Odin's blue prints have a spot inside him where they can hide the platinum capsule. The program was downloaded to Van a mere 72 hours and is signed by Phantom J. Damon reveals that Phantom J is none other than Professor Yamano. Shortly after the power to Tiny Orbit is cut off and 3 N.D.R. LBX's infiltrate Tiny Orbit. Kaz and Amy attempt to stop them, resulting in Kunoichi's destruction. Damon sends Amy the download program for Pandora, making Pandora her new LBX, and Pandora and Hunter are able to defeat the N.D.R. LBX's. After the events at Tiny Orbit are completed Reyna Richardson turns on the N.D.R. for not keeping their promise and shoots Cillian. Cillian then reawakens with red eyes, though Reyna does not know he is still alive. Episode 27 of Danball Senki.