Episode Title:
Escape from Coruscant.
Episode Description:
Zander, Kordi, and Rowan borrow the Arrowhead and embark on an unsanctioned mission to Coruscant rescue their brother Rowan. After the Emperor fails to entice Rowan to the dark side, Darth Vader extracts the location of the kyber crystal planet using a mind probe. Armed with the Arrowhead, the Freemakers decimate much of the Imperial Star Destroyers and TIE fighter defenses above Coruscant. The Freemakers rescue Rowan but a rejuvenated M-OC resurfaces and captures the Arrowhead, currying the Emperor's favor. As the Freemakers flee offworld on a TIE fighter, the Emperor tasks M-OC with eliminating the Freemakers once and for all.