Episode Title:
Zander's Joyride.
Episode Description:
Wealthy client Wick Cooper brings his classic N-1 Naboo Starfighter to the Freemakers, and the starstruck Zander defies Kordi's wishes by stealing the ship and taking it on a joy ride that lands him in Imperial custody. With the somewhat reluctant aid of Naare, Zander's siblings board the ship in order to rescue their brother and the fighter while Roger distracts their client. Believing the Freemakers to be Rebels, Darth Vader attempts to interrogate Zander and later holds him and his siblings captive until he sees the N-1 and, between his own love of ships and the nostalgia of his piloting one in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, takes off on a ride in the craft himself. The Freemakers are able to trick the Imperials and recover the fighter, but it is left badly damaged and Cooper infuriated until he spots Zander's pride and joy, the Blazemaster, sitting in the shop. Taking the ship as recompense for damages, Cooper flies out only to be left adrift when the incomplete ship explodes.