Episode Title:
Mount Thunderstrox.
Episode Description:
The director Jurge allows Lance to bring a special camera onto the Fortrex as part of his reality holovision show about the Nexo Knights. Meanwhile in the Badlands, Jestro and the Cloud of Monstrox meet King Halbert's former sculpture Roberto Arnaldi where he works to carve Stone Garden Gnomes to help build the Stone Monster Army. Merlok 2.0 mentioned how Monstrox mastered the different Forbidden Powers and how he had to defeat him and seal away the Forbidden Powers in each of the Stone Guardians throughout Knighton. Upon Jestro emptying the Forbidden Power of Relentless Rust into one of the pillars on top of Mount Thunderstrox, the Cloud of Monsters helps Jestro into telling some of the Gargoyles to remain behind to guard it. Upon reanimating the Stone Garden Gnomes with Roberto siding with them, Jestro and the Cloud of Monstrox lead the Stone Monster Army into the nearest town. During the battle, Merlok 2.0 has a hard time deciding on a combo to give to three of the Nexo Knights causing the group to move fast enough to keep the Cloud of Monstrox from reanimating them. They even trick the rust-inducing Rogul into striking the Evil Mobile since it has some metal features in it. Upon Jestro, the Cloud of Monstrox, Roberto, and the Stone Monster Army getting away, the Nexo Knights capture one of the Stone Garden Gnomes in order to figure out how the Cloud of Monstrox's lightning works. Clay tells Merlok 2.0 that his "illness" is getting worse and that a replacement must be found before the final parts of it occur.