Episode Title:
Greed is Good?.
Episode Description:
The Nexo Knights attend the Gold is Good Ball hosted by Lance's parents in the extremely wealthy town of Arrindale. Unfortunately, Jestro feeds the Book of Greed to the Book of Monsters to make the Lava Monster Army (who are now led by the newly-summoned General Magmar) so greedy, that they steal all of The Richmond's riches (much to Lance's sorrow) along with both of Lance's parents. However, Lance is not as willing to save his parents as they forced him to become a knight in his childhood while Lance wanted to be a celebrity. Meanwhile, Lance's parents believe that Jestro's Lava Monster Army are servants at a spa and as such are completely oblivious of their imprisonment much to the annoyance of the Book of Monsters and General Magmar. This makes Jestro more than willing to return them and the stolen riches to Arrindale.