Episode Title:
Ousei Academy
Episode Description:
For having saved her, Kaori reveals that her father, chairman of the elite Ousei Academy, is offering Yuya a place at Ousei. His siblings attempt to push Yuya aside, claiming they are better suited to Ousei, but Kaori rejects them as spiteful bullies. Yuya leaves with Kaori, leaving his siblings humiliated and furious. He worries about fitting in, but the chairman assures him Ousei values strength of character over grades, making it easier to hone skills and have fun. As a trial, Yuya attends a science class run by Professor Sawada, where most female students are smitten with his good looks. Yuya becomes tentative friends with Ryou and Shingo and is overwhelmed by people treating him with actual kindness, so he agrees to transfer to Ousei. Kaori shows him the nearby shopping center, and while sharing snacks, insists they use each other's first names. Many eavesdropping students assume they are on a date, embarrassing Yuya. He decides to return to the other world for fun, but this time encounters another human, a girl named Lexia he rescues from a monster. Unsure what to do, he sneaks away unseen once her guards arrive.