Episode Title:
A Suspicious Trap...! The Lonely Princess!.
Episode Description:
Haruka is approached by a male student named Kurosu, who seems to be very supportive of everyone's dreams. With Minami and Kirara doing their own business and Yui invited to a picture book exhibition by Kurosu, who Towa decides to follow, Haruka goes shopping with Pafu and Aroma, only for them to suddenly disappear. Following Kurosu in search of them, Haruka is shocked to find that he was Close all along, having disguised himself in order to separate Haruka from the others, while Stop and Freeze keep Towa from coming to her aid. As Haruka fights with the determination of those who support her dreams, Kanata, believing that her dream is hurting her, tells her to give up on being a princess. This leads Haruka to fall into a mental breakdown, causing the seeds Close had spread around the place to grow even further.