Episode Title:
Teach me, Shamour♪ A Happy Lesson for Granting Wishes!.
Episode Description:
As Kuroro, the fairy formerly known as Lock, awakens from his slumber, Miss Shamour decides to take time off her lessons to look after him. The girls follow Shamour as she takes the shy Kuroro around the city, meeting up with a group of cats. Noticing the calico cats and black cats arguing with each other, Shamour decides to hold a fashion contest between the two groups, with Kuroro acting as the representative of the calico cats and the girls offering their fashion sense to each team. Just then, Shut appears, summoning some Fish Zetsuborgs that the Cures have trouble fighting seriously. Noticing Shut's rushed makeup, Shamour steps in to give him a proper makeover, stating that a princess' job is to make everyone smile, which also gives the Cures encouragement to defeat the Zetsuborgs. Shamour's lessons encourage Kuroro to learn as much as he can to take back to the Hope Kingdom, while the cats give Haruka a crest belonging to Kanata, hinting that he is nearby.