Episode Title:
Mi Amore Wing.
Episode Description:
While everyone is wondering what to do with loads of scrap metal, Dagur and Mala arrive on the Edge to announce that Dagur has completed Mala's king trials and are to be wed. After hearing this, Astrid starts to think that Hiccup isn't interested in her anymore since they are not as publicly affectionate as Dagur and Mala and begins to question her relationship with him. After deciding that the Armorwing will make the best use of their spare scrap metal, Hiccup, Astrid (wearing Hiccup's Betrothal necklace), Snotlout, Fishlegs and Dagur go to the island to find the dragon. After landing, Dagur asks Hiccup to be his best man at the wedding while Astrid becomes annoyed that Hiccup hasn't noticed her wearing his betrothal necklace. After the Armorwing appears, Hiccup notices a Dragon Eye lens on its back. Krogan and his Flyers arrive to take the lens, and succeed after the Riders choose to instead evacuate the injured Armorwing rather than pursue Krogan. Astrid apologizes to Hiccup for her anger and behavior, and the pair reconcile.