Episode Title:
Follow the Leader.
Episode Description:
Fishlegs is left in charge while Hiccup and Astrid are out, but Snotlout and the twins show no respect for his authority when they blow up the Edge's cache of Nightmare gel for their amusement. Between this and Hiccup's disappointment, a despondent Fishlegs leaves and discovers a cavern filled with an abandoned colony of albino Night Terrors. He immediately gains their respect when he seals an opening in their cavern that leaks sunlight, even naming one Darkvarg, but things turn sour when they refuse to let him leave. Meatlug goes back to warn the other riders, and with Darkvarg's help and Fishlegs' leadership they all manage to escape. Hiccup reconciles with Fishlegs and assures him that he would not ever hesitate to leave him in charge in the future.