Episode Title:
Teacher and Student Reunited – Son Gohan and Future Trunks.
Episode Description:
While Bulma and her team are still repairing the Time Machine, Future Trunks finds Piccolo and Krillin mending the damages in the wake of Goku's fight with Goku Black. Future Trunks learns from Piccolo that Gohan had become a scholar and is convinced to properly thank Gohan for his alternate self teaching him to fight. Future Trunks meets Gohan at the university before being invited to Gohan's house for dinner, the experience renewing his resolve to stop Goku Black. Future Trunks returns to the Capsule Corporation, learning that Goku, Beerus, and Whis have left to another universe to investigate the mystery behind Black's energy signature. Almost the end of the episode, a glimpse of a Supreme Kai is shown.