Episode Title:
Accelerated Tragedy - Vanishing Universes...
Episode Description:
Gohan and Piccolo learn that Saonel and Pilina are stronger that they appear as they reveal to have absorbed their kin prior to the Tournament of Power, with Gohan seeing this as an excuse to utilize lethal force without fear of disqualification due to their opponents' enhanced durability. As Goku and the Androids battle Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra, it is revealed that the Second Universe's Angel Sour (サワア, Sawā) had been broadcasting the Tournament of Power to the Second Universe populace. Brianne encourages her people into channeling their love to Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra, causing them to transform them into forms similar to the Maidens and as execute their universe's legendary technique Pretty Black Hole to immobilize Goku and the Androids as attack sinks through the tournament stage. But Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and breaks through the Pretty Black Hole with a Kamehameha that eliminates the Second Universe fighters while Gohan and Piccolo blast Saonel and Pilina off the tournament stage with a powerful combo attack. With all of their fighters eliminated, both the Second and Sixth Universes are erased with Brianne leading her team in a final happy moment before they cease to be. While Beerus remains impassive over his brother's erasure, Cabba's erasure places Vegeta in a bad mood as his fight with Catopesra continues.