Episode Title:
A Wiggle Waggle Worries/The Pine Cone Collection
Episode Description:
A Wiggle Waggle Worries: Sheldon invites Carl to a beach sport with their friends, which he reluctantly attends despite his general dislike of sports. Upon finding out that it involves hitting a beach ball with their tails, Carl, insecure about his own tail, attempts to leave the game several times by claiming he is collecting various beach items. His friends catch on and, upon learning about his insecurity, comfort him and convince him to continue playing the game. During their round, Carl discovers that he can use the tail to spin the ball while hitting it, much to everyone's delight.
The Pine Cone Collection: Lotta has lost her blanket on her and her friends' way to a soccer game but initially downplays her worries. While her friends celebrate Forrest's victory in the soccer game at Pizza Pyramid, Lotta starts crying and confesses that she is worried her blanket will never be found. The friends retrace their path to the soccer game and find Lotta's blanket in a tree, which Forrest knocks off by hitting it with a soccer ball. Lotta thanks her friends and apologizes for not confessing her feelings sooner.