Episode Title:
The Fundamental Virulence
Episode Description:
Cang Du not only reveals he has already incapacitated Rangiku, before attempting to finish Hitsugaya with his Bankai, while Bazz-B leaves. Urahara arrives to the 12th Squad barracks and tells Mayuri how he devised the method to return stolen Bankais and keep all of them from being stolen. He reveals the Shin'eiyaku, a black pill that temporarily hollowfies Bankais, thus turning them into poison for Quincies, which he devised after noticing that Quilge could not control the Reishi he absorbed from arrancars, which he has already sent to everyone who is known to possess Bankai. Hitsugaya touches the pill sent to him and gradually regains his Bankai, now hollowfied, defeating Cang Du and collapsing afterward...