Episode Title:
The Two Hinamori, Hitsugaya's Resolution.
Episode Description:
Ichigo, entering through the Dangai, reaches the Soul Society, where he later encounters Inaba. After Byakuya kills the fake Hitsugaya, he moves forward, where he encounters his own reigai. While in a bamboo forest, Kenpachi is attacked by Suì-Fēng's reigai, but he easily defeats her squad members. Hitsugaya is confronted by fake Momo Hinamori, but he cannot being himself to kill her, despite knowing she is an imposter. The real Momo seems to appear and attacks her reigai, but both are revealed to be reigai, after tricking him into saving one of them, and they cut him down. Yoruichi then appears and defeats both of the reigai, saving Hitsugaya. Meanwhile, Suì-Fēng's reigai attacks Kenpachi, but Komamura interrupts and challenges her. Inaba, while attacking Ichigo, explains that his lack of purity makes him an erasable anomaly. Inaba then uses his zanpakutō to trap Ichigo in the Dangai.