Episode Title:
Big Hero Battle/Go Go the Woweroo.
Episode Description:
Big Hero Battle: 4 2 Sing, a K-Pop group, decide to become superheroes and challenge Big Hero 6 to a superhero-off. Despite Big Hero 6's indifference, and Wasabi's love of the group, they are forced into it. While Big Hero 6 continue to stop crime, 4 2 Sing gets all the credit by posing and rack up points, effectively "beating" them. However while giving a concert, Steamer takes over 4 2 Sing's dragon transport with the music group failing to stop him...
Go Go the Woweroo: Wendy Wower is convinced that someone is out to get her after receiving notes and asks Hiro, Baymax and Go Go for assistance. Hiro and Baymax decide to run through their database for leads while Go Go becomes Chelsea Cheery, Wendy's sidekick. Go Go initially dislikes performing for kids, but she warms up to it and discovers she likes educating...