Episode Title:
Krei-oke Night/The Mascot Upshot.
Episode Description:
Krei-oke Night: Krei has developed his own karaoke machine, dubbed "krei-oke", and asks Big Hero 6 to help make the machine viable to potential customers. Meanwhile, Noodle Burger Boy and his family opt to steal a soundwave machine from Krei while the krei-oke show is taking place. During their robbery, various people go up and perform, though Krei is not getting any up votes...
The Mascot Upshot: Noodle Burger Boy and his family are still on the hunt for a potential new recruit to join them. After another failure, they decide to hold auditions. Big Hero 6 catch on really quick and send in Mini-Max, in his evil guise, to go and join them. The robots are happy to have their new recruit and treat him like family. However, Mini-Max begins to feel guilty about betraying the robots...