Episode Title:
The Brawler's Last Stand.
Episode Description:
The episode starts with six voices talking about how Vestroia is collapsing and how they sacrificed everything to save Vestroia in the past, and how now they need to find new warriors to save Vestroia. It is the morning after Dan and Drago were sent to the Doom Dimension and all of the Brawlers are taking it hard. In the Doom Dimension Drago is greeted by Reaper saying that now that Drago is there he will never get out, and Dan reunites with Drago. Meanwhile Dan's mom realizes that somethings up when the Brawlers lie to her saying that Dan went away to help a friend, and goes to Runo's family cafe to ask her about it. When Dan's mom confronts Runo about Dan's sudden departure and about how she caught Dan talking to his Bakugan one day Runo runs off saying she cannot tell her anything, leaving Dan's mother very worried. At the same time Shun receives a challenge letter from Masquerade and he and Skyress come up with a plan to find Dan and Drago...