Episode Title:
Julie Plays Hard Brawl.
Episode Description:
The episode starts with Marucho and Preyas playing together on the beach when Preyas suddenly disappears. Marucho wakes up to find out that that was all a dream and Preyas is still gone. At breakfast Dan and Runo get in another fight that causes a rift in the brawlers. Julie wants to free Billy from Masquerade's control while Runo wants to help Marucho. Dan and Julie leave to go searching for Billy with Julie coming up with an idea for how to find him. Meanwhile, Runo is steaming because Dan doesn't act like he wants to help Marucho but she is reminded by Shun that Dan and Drago were once separated too. Dan and Julie have arrived in Germany where Julie remembers that Billy once wanted to visit. As soon as they arrived they were confronted by Billy himself and a battle begins between him and Julie. The battle goes back and force until Gorem and Julie are about to be sent to the Doom Dimension. With help from the toy Billy gave Julie when they were small Billy fights Masquerade's control and deactivates the Doom Card in time to save Julie and Gorem. Although Julie lost the battle she managed to save Billy from Masquerade's mind control.